Prevent medication errors

Medication Safety and Drug Diversion Prevention

Verify the identity and concentration of injectable medications, quickly and efficiently, with WasteLog™.


Remote review and analysis.
Pharmacolog Dashboard™


Drug diversion prevention.
More about WasteLog™

Press Releases

Perpetua Medical AB (publ) ("Perpetua Medical") has entered a letter of intent with the shareholders of ES-Medical AB ("ES-...

The annual general meeting of Perpetua Medical AB (publ) was held on 14 June 2024, at 10.00 a.m. ...

Perpetua Medical AB (publ) is offered a loan facility of up to SEK 25 million from the company’s main ...

Medication Efficacy

About Pharmacolog

Pharmacolog provides solutions and products that verifies that drugs and narcotics used in surgery have not been tampered with, our solutions make a vital contribution to preventing drug diversion.

The following trademarks are owned and protected by Pharmacolog i Uppsala AB: Pharmacolog™-logo, WasteLog™, and Pharmacolog Dashboard™.

Our Vision
A healthcare system with an individual patient-centered approach where all available parameters are considered in the selection and administration of medication, and where the medication is checked and adjusted throughout treatment according to the patient’s condition and response.

Our Mission
To provide solutions and products within drug administration and delivery for accurate and individually-optimized patient treatment.

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