Press releases

Press release: Uppsala, April 26, 2019. Pharmacolog i Uppsala AB’s (publ) interim report for the period January - March is ...

Shareholders representing more than 20% of all shares and votes in Pharmacolog have announced that at the Annual General Meeting ...

Princess Máxima Center in Utrecht, The Netherlands, have ordered a DrugLog® system to be used for quality assurance of ...

NewYork Presbyterian har efter omfattande utredning valt DrugLog® för att kontrollera returer av narkotiska preparat.  Avtalet omfattar totalt 5 ...

NewYork Presbyterian has, after extensive investigation, chosen DrugLog® to control the returns of narcotic drugs. The agreement comprises a total ...

Correction: The correction refers to deleted reference to the EU Market Abuse Regulation (MAR).

NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING IN PHARMACOLOG I UPPSALA AB (PUBL) The shareholders of Pharmacolog in Uppsala AB (publ), corporate ...

Press release: Uppsala, February 14, 2019. Pharmacolog i Uppsala AB’s (publ) Year-end Bulletin 2018 is now available on ...

Pharmacolog has received an order on a DrugLog® system from the Akademiska sjukhuset in Uppsala, Sweden. The system will be ...

Pharmacolog's distributor Pharmed SAM has sold its first system on the German market through its German subsidiary. The system ...

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