Press releases

Pharmacolog introduces two new product concepts based on its patented DrugLog® technology. WasteLog™ and PrepLog™ are newly developed solutions to ...

The shareholders of Pharmacolog in Uppsala AB (publ) held the Annual General Meeting on April 29, 2019 in Uppsala. (information ...

Press release: Uppsala, April 26, 2019. Pharmacolog i Uppsala AB’s (publ) interim report for the period January - March is ...

Pharmacolog have moved and is now situated in new, renovated premises in Ekeby bruk, Uppsala, entrance 2H since April 10th. ...

Representatives from Pharmacolog have during the last few weeks participated in three important fairs and conferences; EAHP in Barcelona, Child ...

Shareholders representing more than 20% of all shares and votes in Pharmacolog have announced that at the Annual General Meeting ...

Princess Máxima Center in Utrecht, The Netherlands, have ordered a DrugLog® system to be used for quality assurance of ...

NewYork Presbyterian har efter omfattande utredning valt DrugLog® för att kontrollera returer av narkotiska preparat.  Avtalet omfattar totalt 5 ...

NewYork Presbyterian has, after extensive investigation, chosen DrugLog® to control the returns of narcotic drugs. The agreement comprises a total ...

Correction: The correction refers to deleted reference to the EU Market Abuse Regulation (MAR).

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